Almost a year has been brisk motorcycle 150cc two-wheeled vehicle market nationwide. In fact, reportedly, consumers must be patient if you want to get Byson at Yamaha dealer, because the stock unit is not always available and pivot for one to three months.
"Yeah, until no Byson on display at every Yamaha dealer because it is so in demand. We reached repeatedly apologized to consumers looking for this Byson, "explained General Manager of Promotion & Motorsport YMKI Eko Prabowo, the Okezone.
Eko explains to date or more than the first quarter in 2011, at least 40 thousand units Byson released to the market. This amount could exceed the expectations of Yamaha's own, until then overwhelmed responding to the request.
"For a year are released, approximately more than 40 thousand units already sold. This number will continue to rise. But, early January we'll just be full and hopefully Byson was not pivot, "said Eko.
Regarding changes in appearance Byson in 2012, Eko explains YMKI will not rush to change. Yamaha will first see the market demand. "At just the graphics, and no significant change because with such a model is still preferred by the community," close this friendly guy.